Dear Friends,
The landscape of violence in Black and Brown communities has changed more in the short time since the pandemic than it has in all of my 35 years with Roca. Guns are easier for young people to get and conceal, women are increasingly involved in violence, and trauma is acute, complex, and chronic.
The violence isn’t new, but the severity and speed with which it occurs is astounding. So we can’t rely on violence prevention strategies to do violence intervention work. Youth outreach, education and jobs programs fulfill real needs, but without addressing trauma, they just aren’t enough to reduce the violence happening now on America’s streets.
Roca’s proven model offers hope. By keeping a laser focus on what we do best—relentlessly finding young people who are drowning in the deep end of the streets, and delivering science-backed behavioral health tools to young people, police, and other agencies in this work—we are making sure that fewer lives are lost to jail and death.
Among the young adults most likely to shoot or be shot, conflicts are escalating to bloodshed in the space of a breath. So we respond with Rewire CBT—seven cognitive-behavioral skills that teach young people to slow down and take an 8–12 second pause before a conflict turns violent. And our staff are hyper-focused on safety, training, and coordination with the police.
Roca is known around the world for our results, and the past year’s successes have been astonishing.
Nearly all young people surveyed improved their behavioral health according to validated assessments. More than three out of four got better at regulating their emotions, a key lever to reducing violence. And nearly all police surveyed say that learning Rewire CBT made them feel more effective in their work with young people.
Further, among the hundreds of Massachusetts young people served between 2013 and 2022, 68% did not recidivate within three years and of those with violent histories, only 19% recidivated for a violent offense.
Thank you for your generosity, partnership, and confidence in Roca. We will continue to do everything we can to earn it.

Fiscal Year 2023 Performance Report
Organization-Wide Outcomes
In FY 2023 we served 1,758 young people in new England and Maryland with an 88% retention rate.
Risk factors
- Organization-Wide
- Massachusetts Men
- Baltimore Men
- Young Women

I lost people to gun violence. I lost people to drug overdoses, suicide, jail, prison… people are dying over senseless things.”
Ages Served
- 5% 14-16 Years Old
- 17% 17-18 Years Old
- 21% 19-20 Years Old
- 26% 21-22 Years Old
- 19% 23-24 Years Old
- 12% 25+ Years Old
Race Ethnicity
- 44% Black/African American
- 46% Hispanic/Latino
- 4% Bi/Multi-Racial
- 5% White
- 1% Other
Since I grew up with violence, I didn’t know any way to defend myself other than with violence.”

Enrolled less than 24 months
Relentless Outreach Efforts
87% Participants Served in an Average Month
77%Engaged in Rewire CBT
(1,179 of 1,459)

Enrolled 18 months or longer
96% Improved Behavioral Health
(681 of 710)
77% Improved Emotional Regulation
(468 out of 609)

Criminal Justice
Enrolled 24 months or longer
91% Had No New Arrests
(537 of 591)
97% Had No New Incarcerations
(573 out of 591)
[Roca] took me under their arms after I got shot and they really embraced me… I didn’t ask them to do nothing, they did it on they own. That’s what really made me [think], this is what you call home… people that really care about you, that really want you to succeed and not be another statistic.”
Massachusetts Men Outcomes

We served 939 young people in Massachusetts with a 90% retention rate (843 of 939).

Enrolled less than 24 months
Relentless Outreach Efforts
85% Participants Served in an Average Month
80%Engaged in Rewire CBT
(583 of 731)

Enrolled 18 months or longer
96% Improved Behavioral Health
(391 of 406)
77% Improved Emotional Regulation
(266 out of 344)

Criminal Justice
Enrolled 24 months or longer
95% Had No New Arrests
(344 of 364)
98% Had No New Incarcerations
(356 out of 364)
When I first got to Roca… I was in a bad place back then. I had a lot of stuff going on in my past… [Now] my mindset is more on what I what I want to do in my future. I want to be a firefighter.”
External Outcomes*

- Nearly 7 out of 10
(966 out of 1,419) - young men served from 2013-2022 were not incarcerated within 3 years
74% came to Roca with violent criminal histories (1,053 of 1,419)
Only 19% recidivated for a violent offense within 3 years (197 of 1,053)
*Abt Associates Evaluation, 2023
Baltimore Men Outcomes

We served 417 young people in Baltimore with an 82% retention rate (314 of 417).

Enrolled less than 24 months
Relentless Outreach Efforts
86% Participants Served in an Average Month
84%Engaged in Rewire CBT
(289 of 346)

Enrolled 18 months or longer
91% Improved Behavioral Health
(155 of 170)
95% Improved Emotional Regulation
(137 out of 144)

Criminal Justice
Enrolled 24 months or longer
72% Had No New Arrests
(83 of 115)
94% Had No New Incarcerations
(108 out of 115)
When we was getting older, becoming young adults… the beefs, the altercations [became] bigger. Everybody else got a gun, so… you don’t feel safe when you don’t got one… You just know you’re gonna end up getting shot… It never was because you wanted to intentionally harm anyone or do anything to somebody. It just be out of fear. Paranoia.”
Young Women Outcomes

We served 393 young women, including 325 young mothers, in Massachusetts and Connecticut with an 89% retention rate (349 of 393).

Enrolled less than 24 months
Relentless Outreach Efforts
90% Participants Served in an Average Month
84%Engaged in Rewire CBT
(289 of 346)

Enrolled 18 months or longer
97% Improved Behavioral Health
(138 of 143)
79% Improved Emotional Regulation
(96 out of 121)

Criminal Justice
Enrolled 24 months or longer
97% Had No New Arrests
(109 of 112)
100% Had No New Incarcerations
(112 out of 112)
Before, I used to just jump right in to give reactions and respond to negativity. But now, I actually take the time to think before I act. I think about what’s the risk, what I can lose. I expand my mindset.”
Roca Impact Institute Highlights
Community Violence Interrupters, Case Workers, and Police Officers Trained and Coached in Rewire CBT or Rewire4
Would recommend REWIRE CBT to a colleague
Say that learning REWIRE CBT contributed to feeling more effective in their work with young people
Of law enforcement participants say REWIRE4 helped them manage their responses in stressful situations
The [Rewire] CBT training was very pivotal in my personal life. Giving me the tools to manage stressful emotions during a difficult time… Violence interruption requires self-care and healing consistently or we will burn out.”
Organizations trained in REWIRE CBT or REWIRE4
Cities served across 9 states and DC
2 Police Departments
Fully Trained
8 Baltimore
City Police
To Train Entire BPD Under Consent Decree
Absolutely [I would recommend the training]. I think a lot of people need this. It could save their careers, their jobs, going to jail, or someone’s life.”
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Roca staff
- 38% Black/African American
- 26% Hispanic/Latino
- 25% White
- 5% Biracial
- 5% Asian
Roca Board of Directors
- 31% Black/African American
- 13% Hispanic/Latino
- 50% White
- 6% Asian
Baltimore Advisory Board
- 63% Black/African American
- 38% White
Roca Impact Institute Advisory Board
- 60% Black/African American
- 20% Hispanic/Latino
- 20% White
One thing I can say about Roca, they’re reliable, dependable… They all in, it’s not fake, it’s not phony… They’re really invested in us. They’re gonna make it happen. Roca saved my life.”
Thank you to our
Partners and Supporters
2023 Donors
- Dalio Foundation
- Johns Hopkins University
- Massachusetts Department of Public Health
- Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
- State of Maryland
- US Department of Justice—Bureau of Justice Assistance
- US Department of Justice—Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
- Abell Foundation
- Baltimore Gas and Electric
- Brown Capital Management
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- City of Hartford, CT
- Exelon Corporation
- Fondation CHANEL
- Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
- Laura and John Arnold Foundation
- Massachusetts Office of Economic Development
- Maryland Department of Juvenile Services
- Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
- Massachusetts Office of Economic Development
- T. Rowe Price Foundation
- Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
- AAA-ICDR Foundation
- Alvarium Foundation
- Amelia Peabody Foundation
- Bank of America Charitable Foundation
- Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
- Barr Foundation
- Baystate Medical Center
- Boston Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development
- Bunting Family Foundation
- City of Baltimore, MD
- City of Boston, MA
- City of Cambridge, MA
- City of Chelsea, MA
- City of Holyoke, MA
- City of Lynn, MA
- City of Salem, MA
- City of Somerville, MA
- City of Springfield, MA
- Clipper Ship Foundation, Inc.
- Cummings Foundation
- Essex County Sheriff’s Department
- Fidelity Foundation
- Gawlicki Family Foundation
- Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc.
- Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation
- J. C. Kellogg Foundation
- Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation
- Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
- Maryland Department of Human Services
- Massachusetts Department of Children and Families
- Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
- Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance
- Metropolitan Area Planning Council
- Middendorf Foundation
- NIKE, Inc.
- Nordblom Family Foundation
- Oechsle Family Foundation, Inc.
- Orokawa Foundation
- Porticus Foundation
- Stand Together Foundation
- Stand Together Trust
- State of Connecticut
- State Street Foundation, Inc.
- The Annie E. Casey Foundation
- The Klarman Family Foundation
- The Richman Foundation
- The Tow Foundation
- United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley
- Yawkey Foundation
- 7G Family Foundation at Fidelity Charitable
- Baltimore Equitable Insurance
- Thomas Barry
- Bennett Family Foundation
- Bihrle Johnson Charitable Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Brown Advisory Charitable Foundation
- Susan Okie Bush
- Bushrod H. Campbell and Adah F. Hall Charity Fund
- Patricia Cable
- Carroll & Charlotte Weinberg Foundation
- CFG Bank
- Chelsea, MA, Public Schools
- Christopher McKnown and Abigail Johnson Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- City of Chicopee, MA
- City of Revere, MA
- Howard Cohen and Myra Musicant
- Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
- Constellation Energy
- Coverys Community Healthcare Foundation
- Dalio Education
- Daniel L. and Paula J. Eggers Family Fund at Ayco Charitable Foundation
- Demond and Kia Martin Foundation at The Boston Foundation
- Essex County Community Foundation
- Exelon Corporation
- Fish Family Foundation
- Fleisher-Moore Charitable Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Frederick C. Lutze and Christian Rausch Family Foundation
- Gisela B. Hogan Charitable Foundation
- Mark and Jeanne Haggerty
- Hoffberger Family Philanthropies
- Barbara and Amos Hostetter
- Joseph Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Justice Education Center
- Keith Construction, Inc.
- Christine and William Kendall
- Donald and Nancy Kendall
- Liberty Mutual Foundation
- Lookout Foundation
- Dan and Kerry Lyons
- Mabel Louise Riley Foundation
- Rob Mancuso
- Hiren Mankodi and Devika Kapoor
- Mary Catherine Bunting Foundation
- Massachusetts Environmental Police
- Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
- MassMutual
- MassMutual Foundation
- MAXIMUS Foundation
- The Metropolitan Mayor’s Coaltion
- MGM Resorts International
- Mildred H. McEvoy Foundation
- Miriam Fund
- New Commonwealth Racial Equity and Social Justice Fund
- New England Patriots Foundation
- New World Foundation
- Northeastern University
- Orazem Family Foundation at Fidelity Charitable
- Betsy Pattullo
- PeoplesBank
- Pottruck Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
- Project Longevity
- Prosecution Research Initiative/SSCR
- PwC Charitable Foundation, Inc.
- India Riggs
- Rockport Mortgage
- Ropes & Gray, LLP
- Safety Insurance Charitable Foundation, Inc.
- Santander Bank
- Santander Bank Foundation
- Sarah and James Rollins Trusts
- Sills Family Foundation
- Social Science Research Council
- Stand Together Venture Labs
- State Street Corporation
- TD Charitable Foundation
- Tech Goes Home
- The Beveridge Family Foundation, Inc.
- The Boston Foundation
- The Boston Red Sox Foundation
- The Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation
- The Charles Hayden Foundation
- The M&T Charitable Foundation
- The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation
- The Richard and Rosalee Davison Charitable Foundation, Inc.
- The Women’s Fund of Essex County
- The Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts
- Thunder Mountain Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
- TJX Foundation, Inc.
- USI Insurance Services, LLC
- Van Otterloo Family Foundation
- William and Mildred Kaplan Charitable Foundation
- Winter Lehman Family Foundation
- Laurence and Alexis Wintersteen
- A.C. Israel Foundation, Inc.
- AAA Northeast
- Abine, Inc.
- AmazonSmile Foundation
- Anne Errichetti and Mark Keroack Charitable Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
- Michael Ansara and Barbara Arnold
- Jay and Susan Ash
- B Generous
- Mary Baldwin
- Seavron Banus
- Bartlett Family Fund at the Cleveland Foundation
- Baystate Health
- Paul and Pamela Beach
- Beacon Hill Circle for Charity
- Carson Berglund and Amanda Armstrong
- Bethany United Methodist Church
- Bill & Lisa Stromberg Family Trust at T. Rowe Price Charitable
- BNY Mellon
- Robert and Roberta Bolduc
- Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation
- Bride-McEnany Fund for Empowering Women at The Boston Foundation
- Bunker Hill Community College
- Janet Callahan
- Capital Group
- Jamie and Sheldon Caplis
- Carver Road Hospitality
- Christopher and Alyss Cavanagh
- Lachman Chablani
- Chapin Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
- Chicopee Savings Charitable Foundation
- Kendrick Chow
- Peter Christie
- Jennifer Collins
- Cooper, Daisy & Violet Giving Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Couture-Francfort Charitable Trust at Fidelity Charitable
- Coverys
- Craver Family Fund at the National Philanthropic Trust
- Cynthia C. & Seth W. Lawry Family Charitable Gift Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- D.F. Dent and Company Charitable Fund at T. Rowe Price Charitable
- David & Tracy Frankel Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Guy and Sally Davidson
- Kimberly Davies
- Davis Family Fund at Vanguard Charitable
- Andre Davis
- Denise Day
- Deauville Fund at the Baltimore Community Foundation
- Demoulas Foundation
- Mayur Desai
- Carla DeSantis
- James C. DiPaula
- Scott and Carolynne Dorsey
- Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma
- Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
- Roland Eavey and Sheila Desmond
- Alexis Egan
- Eisenson Family Fund at The Boston Foundation
- Lili Elkins
- Engel Charitable Account at Fidelity Charitable
- Eversource Electric
- F. B. Harvey Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- F.L.Putnam Investment Management Company
- Leslie Fenn
- Fernway, LLC
- Ferrari Foundation at Fidelity Charitable
- Fidelity Investments
- First Church of Christ, Longmeadow
- Fitzgerald & Company, Inc.
- Denise Fowler-Moott
- Emily and Andrew Freedman
- Anthony Garcia
- Gardiner Howland Shaw Foundation
- Ben and Karen Gardner
- Nancy Gertner and John Reinstein
- Kate Gilbane
- Jeanne and Tom Gildee
- Goldman Sachs
- Goodwin Procter, LLP
- Graylin Family Charitable Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Ellen Green
- Scott Greenhaus
- Greenhill Family Charitable Fund at the Boston Foundation
- Fredye and Adam Gross
- Harbor House Collective
- Jon Herzog and Noreen Martin-Herzog
- Jake and Beth Jacobs
- Jamie and Sheldon Caplis Philanthropic Fund at The Associated
- Janower Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
- Janssen Family Charitable Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Jivan Family Fund at Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
- Joanie Grant Fund Fidelity Charitable
- Joe and Elke Dorr Fund at Schwab Charitable
- John M. Cole Giving Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- John V. and Holly H. Kania Giving Trust at Fidelity Charitable
- Wendy John
- Robert Johnson
- Douglas Karp
- Kates Foundation, Inc.
- Katharine L W and Winthrop M Crane 3D Charitable Foundation
- Katherine and David Greenberg Charitable Trust at Fidelity Charitable
- Kayem Foods, Inc.
- Susan Kelly
- Michael Kendall
- Carla Kessler
- Don and Jenny Killgallon
- Kim Baker and Jill Nelson Family Foundation Fund at the Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund
- Peter Kochansky
- Nigel Kraus
- KRV Foundation Fund at the Baltimore Community Foundation
- Liberty Bank Foundation
- Liberty Mutual Insurance
- Gwen Libstag
- George Lieser
- Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation, Inc.
- M&T Bank
- Jaime and Geoffrey Mason
- Shamus and Claudine McBride
- Sarah McCrary and Fernando Contreras
- McDermott Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Ruth McDermott
- Dennis and Cindy McGurk
- McManus Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- MGM Springfield
- Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
- Jay Mitchell
- Monson Savings Bank
- Richard and Mary Murnane
- Network For Good
- David Oestreicher
- Morris and Nancy Offit
- Carolyn and Kevin O’Keefe
- Pakula Family Donor Account at the Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust
- People’s United Community Foundation
- Philadelphia Insurance Companies
- Phyllis E. and Donald G. Campbell Charitable Foundation
- Greg Price and M. Barusch
- PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
- Ginny and James Purviance
- Clayton Reed
- Matthew Rich
- Robert & Margaret Patricelli Family Foundation
- Dwight and Lena Robson
- Joseph Rogers
- Gary Ronkin
- TJ Rose
- Rubinstein/Block Charitable Gift Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- David Safier
- Laura Samberg Faino and Michael Faino
- Lauren Sanchez Gilbert
- Nancy Savage
- Scott and Lisa Scharffenberg
- Rachel Schoenfeld and Daniel Hyman
- SEI Investments
- Anthony Shaw
- Shue Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Megan Smith
- Southway Builders Charitable Trust, Inc.
- Spencer Foundation
- Springfield Auto & Truck, Inc.
- Swift Harvey Family Fund at the J.P. Morgan Securities Charitable Gift Fund program
- Anthony Tesoro
- The Architectural Team
- The Bill Muster Foundation
- The Charles F. & Margaret M.H. Obrecht Family Foundation
- The Church of the Redeemer
- The Hope Foundation
- Ted Titcomb
- Lisa Torraco
- Town Fair Tire Foundation, Inc.
- UnitedHealthGroup
- Verizon
- Vulcano Family Foundation
- Whip’s Sporting Goods
- Frederick and Anne Whitridge
- Leerang Yang
- Peter Abbott
- Christine Abbott-Orloff
- AbbVie
- Shawn Abele
- Victor Agran
- Alaska Airlines
- Alex G. Fisher Charitable Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Christopher Alvanos
- Amy Aaron Charitable Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund
- Edward and Mary Anderson
- Gillian Andrews
- Jason and Patricia Angel
- Olivia Angood-Hardy
- Patricia and Frank Anzalotti
- Apple, Inc.
- Ellen Arce
- Francis Arigo
- Jenny Armini
- Arlene Ash
- Candice Ashby
- Susan Ashworth
- Sarah Aspinwall and Paul Swartz
- Avantor, Inc.
- William Baetz
- Rebecca Baier
- Christina Bailey
- Michael and Sally Bailin
- Bala Balachander
- Bruce Baldwin
- Sallie Baldwin
- Todd and Marcia Baldwin
- Nathaniel Balis
- Melinda Balkom
- Baltimore Homecoming
- Barbara Krakow Donor Advised Fund at Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston
- Dawn Barkman
- Joy Barwick
- Brett and Nancy Basnett
- Beau Fund at the U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
- Christopher Beem
- Kimberly Begala
- Rachel Belanger
- Michael Bell
- Nancy Benchoff
- Anthony Benedetti
- Agnes Berendsen
- Joseph and Cailleen Bernardi
- Joseph Bertolino
- Kimberly Bible
- Biogen
- Phyllis Birnbaum
- Todd and Donna Birnberg
- Brenda Bizier
- Anna Blendermann
- Janet Bloomberg
- Bloomerang
- Amy Bloomstone
- Richelle Boanken
- Saundra Bock
- Mary Kathleen Bonanno
- Michelle Booth
- Pierre Vanden Borre
- Kamereron Bourgeois
- Julie Bovenmyer
- Martha Boyle
- Randall Bramblett
- Brandon M. Etheridge Fund at the Baltimore Community Foundation
- Steven Branvold
- Bill Bredar
- Connie Breece
- Samuel Brenner
- Wendy Brewster
- Marjorie Bride and Terry McEnany
- Jim and Cydney Broatch
- Leigh Brokovich
- Andrew Brown
- Elizabeth Brown
- Michael Brown
- Angela Bryan
- Tom Bryan
- Robin Brzozowski
- Stacy and Ryan Buckley
- Bulger Maxfield Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Jim Burger
- David Bush
- Richelle Byrd
- Damien Cabezas
- Tiffany Caddell
- Cambridge Health Alliance
- Campbell Soup Company
- Steven Canter
- Jeffrey Caplan
- Rocie Carballo-Graver
- Beth Carey
- Eric and Coleen Carlson
- Alexandra Carroll
- Carter Family Charitable Fund at U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
- Kristopher Carter
- Casey Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Anne Cataldo
- Katherine Cesario
- Rebecca Babbitt Chafe
- Kenneth Chan
- Donna and Stanley Chaplinski
- Martin Chappell
- Austin Chia
- Pamela Chiaro
- Kel Christensen
- Clark Construction
- Elaine Clark
- Margaret Clarke
- CNH Industrial America, LLC
- Beth Cohen King
- Jessamyn and Enrique Colbert
- Betsy Collins
- Combined Jewish Philanthropies
- Elizabeth and Michael Connelly
- Siobhan Connor
- Jan Conte
- Joseph Conway
- Paul and Irene Cordilico
- Gary Cordner
- Barb Corna
- LuAnn Cottington
- Mary Cox
- Eric Crockett
- Judith Croen
- Thomas Crosby
- Sherlyn Culwell
- Jim and Kathleen Curley
- Kieran Cusack
- Judith Dahne
- Alice Daly
- Anthony Dambra
- Phyllis and Kevin Dantonio
- Dave and Cassie Bordeau Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Julie Davis
- Mark and Kathy Davis
- Russ Davis
- Elizabeth De Montigny
- Jessica Deichmann
- Christina DelloRusso
- John DeLong
- Tracy DeMario
- Deborah Dennis
- Susan DeSilva
- Nina Devlin
- Sarah Dickerson
- DiPalma Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
- Shelly Dixon
- Jayne and Bruce Dodge
- Susan Doepke
- Joshua Dohan
- Wendy Dolber
- Nancy Dolde
- Joan Dolina
- Representative Donald and Fong Wong
- Donna & Steve Tritman Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- David Dooley
- Molly Douglas and Brian Milstein
- Gail Dow
- Jennifer Downey
- Loretta Dunivan
- Margaret Durbin
- Daniel Dylewsky
- Brooke Eastburn
- Elizabeth Eastwood
- Virginia Eddings
- David Edelson
- Marcy Edidin
- Andrei Edwards
- James Edwards
- Sandra Edwards
- Bonnie Edwards-Jackson
- Courtney Egan
- Eliot/Grant Family Foundation at Schwab Charitable
- Ellen L. Simons Fund at the Boston Foundation
- Leila El-Youssef
- Laura Ember
- Steven Ettinger
- Giovonna Evans
- Lisa Everett
- Cyndee Everman
- John Ewoldt
- Robert Fallows
- Matt Feinberg
- Feingold Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Ellis Felker
- Steven Fincke
- Deborah Fine
- Lewis Finfer
- David Firestein
- First Eagle Investments
- Richard Fischer
- Alice Fisher
- Suzanne Fisher
- Bill Fitzgerald
- Pat Fleming
- Kristen Fletcher
- Kristen Flynn
- Janet Fogel
- Peter and Kathleen Forbes
- David Ford
- Arlene Fortunato
- Fox Corporation
- Franne Fox
- Kevin Francfort and Amy Couture
- Seneca Francione
- Marisa Frank
- Rachel Freed and Phil Chapnik
- William and Mary Freer
- Dennis Friedman
- Fran Froehlich
- Nicholas Funk
- Sean Gallagher
- Tiffany Garner
- Caroline Gaudet
- Stephen and Barbara Gelling
- Katie Giampa
- Ryan Gillette
- Linda and John Glenn
- Janet Gochenour
- Nigel Godley
- Jodi Goldman
- David Goldstein
- Bruce Goodchild
- P. Gorton
- Julian Gottesman
- Samantha Gould
- Monica Gout
- Tina Gram
- Laura Grattan
- John Gray
- Lesley Gray
- Paul and Barbara Gray
- Quin Greaves
- Ann Green
- Laurence Green
- Steven Greenberg
- Greene Family Foundation at Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
- David and Marnie Grossman
- Atilla Habip and Karen Ayas
- Hamilton and Sue Hackney
- Mary and H. Hamilton Hackney
- Molly Hale
- Kathleen Hannan
- Nancy Hanson
- Erica Hardy
- Mary Hardy
- Catherine Harris
- Nancy Harris
- Ina Harrison
- John Hart
- Matthew Hartman
- Fredrick Harvey and Janet Marie Smith
- Frederick and Deborah Hatch
- Sandor Hau and Eleanore Kim
- Matthew Hayes
- Anne and Joseph Healy
- Lorna Helick
- Jane Henderson
- Marie and John Hennessy
- Sylvia Herz
- George and Betsy Hess
- Dale Higgins
- LaShunda Hill
- David Hirshfeld
- David Hofflich
- Elizabeth Hoffmann
- Thomas Hogan
- Wendy Hollis
- Peggy Holloway
- Sandy Holmes
- Eliza Hoover
- Alisha Horowitz
- David Horwich
- Daphne Howard
- Anthony Howarth
- Liz Howley
- Hudson Family Charitable Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Elizabeth Hudson
- Lindley Huey
- Donald Hug
- Karen and Randy Hyvonen
- Illinois Tool Works
- Lily Im
- J.P.Morgan Chase & Co.
- Annette Jackson
- Judy Jaffie
- Casey Jang
- Janice and Bruce Bolten Charitable Fund at T. Rowe Price Charitable
- Ellen Janis
- Marckendy Jean
- Ann Jensen
- Commissioner John and Jane Gettler
- Connie Johnson
- Kristen Johnson
- Christine Judd
- Kerline Jules
- Phyllis Kapelewski
- Jared Kasher
- Brian Kean
- Kennedy Kearney-Fischer
- Ned Keefe
- Ryan and Alyssa Keefe
- Donna Kelly
- Greg Kelly
- Ken the Salinger & Jean Murphy Charitable Fund at Vanguard Charitable
- Deborah Kennard
- Marcus Kilgore
- John Kinnick
- Lynn Kirshbaum
- Andrea Klee
- Terri Klegerman
- Heatherjoy Klein
- Cameron Klimasmith
- Patty Klingbiel
- Katherine and Alexander Kolb
- Sean Konig
- Alan Korest
- Ned Korpela
- Valerie Kovacs
- James Krafcik
- Jennifer Krems
- Lynne Krupa
- Kelley Kubic
- Brian Kyes
- L & J Processing Facility
- L. Roenspie Trust at Fidelity Charitable
- Jean Labrosse
- Helen Lacy
- Karen LaFata
- Elizabeth Laing
- Ronnie Landis
- James Latimer
- Juan Latorre
- Christine LaTour
- Patrick Lavoie and Hannah Rakoff
- Cat Lazar
- Daniel Leamon
- Kathleen Leary
- Janet Lecompte
- Martha Lee
- Rebekka Lee
- Greg Lehrmann
- Lynda and Glenn Leslie
- Emily Leventhal
- Julie Levine
- Libbey-Clarke Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Catherine Lippert
- Carolyn Lowell
- Barbara Lucas
- Lisa Luisi
- Norman MacFarland
- Alix Mackey
- Barbara Mackey
- Kate Mahoney and Adam Kahn
- Mina Makarious
- James Maloney
- Paula Mammen
- Nancy Mansell
- Jesse Margel
- Martin Mariano
- Mark and Andrea Allen Charitable Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Richard Marks
- Elizabeth Marlowe
- Shlomo Marom
- Anne Marshall
- Andrew Martel
- David Martel
- Katharine Martin
- Kristin and William Martin
- Timothy Martin
- Ruth Mattson
- Jeanne Maynard
- Kathryn Mayshak
- Carole and Gary Mazzarino
- Barbara Mc Govern
- Scott and Cathy McCleary
- Kathleen Mcconaughy
- Margaret McConnell
- Irene Mcdermott
- Carolyn McDowell
- Robert McGuirk
- Dick McIntosh
- Denise McKenzie
- Michael McLafferty
- Margaret McNamara
- Monica Mcnamara
- Brian and Corie McNeil
- Wendy McNeil
- Ellen McQuaid
- Cheryl McSweeney
- McWilliams Family Giving Account at Fidelity Charitable
- Orly Mechaly
- Barbara Mehlman
- Karl Melton
- Stephen Mercier
- Patricia Merlos
- Judith Merrill
- A. Merriweather
- Metropolitan Credit Union
- Sophie Metz
- Karen Meyers
- Lisette Meyers
- Diane Micek
- Microsoft
- Arthur Miller
- Paul and Rosemary Miller
- Samantha Miller
- David Mindlin
- Karen Minyard
- Peter Mitchel
- Megan Mitchell
- Dori Mitzi
- Juli Mogollon
- Kimberly Moore
- William Moore
- Dana Moorehead
- Niki Moranville
- Audra Morelock
- Angel Morris
- Francis Morris and Ellen Howard
- Carolyn Moss and Daniel Hawkins
- Rust Muirhead
- Elizabeth Mullan
- Alice Murillo
- James Murphy
- Terrence and Nicole Murray
- Erin Nagle
- Melissa Nance
- Jacquelyn Nasca
- Louise Neidle
- Max Nibert
- Christina Nichols
- Clarissa Nigro
- Amy Noel-Atkins
- Isabel Nogueira
- Christine Nordone
- Laura Nystrom
- Thomas Oakley
- Maria O’Brien
- David O’Callaghan
- Jessica O’Dea
- Nicholas Oelschlaeger
- One Bead
- Optimum Strategies LLC
- Kurtis and Cara Palermo
- Alexandra Parkinson
- Dennis Parks
- Therese and Gerard Parr
- Peggy Parrish
- Stephen Parsons
- Lisa Partridge
- David Patton and Elizabeth Kassab
- Diane Patton
- Paul and Kim Hardin fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Linda Paul
- PayPal Giving Fund
- Thomas Pereles
- Jay Perez
- Ruth Perlin
- Andrea Perry
- Richard Persche
- Alisa Peters
- Katelyn Peters
- Philanthropy Massachusetts
- Steve Picarde
- Patricia Piper
- Maria Pizzimente
- Melissa Platt
- Donald Poeschel
- Leslie and Annalisa Poeschel
- Mark Pohlman
- James and Katherine Polga
- Christine Prebil
- Julie Press
- Tod Preston
- Ellen Price
- Craig Prickett
- Prudential
- PSH Charitable Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- William Quarre
- Rabbi Baruch Korff Fund at Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston
- Rainbow Justice Fund at Fidelity Charitable
- Anita Rakowski
- Oswald Ramirez
- Ariana Ramos
- Jessica Ratner
- Kat Ravish and Emma Simon
- Lisa Rawlings
- Donald Rea
- Cecely Reardon
- Joshua Reed-Diawuoh
- Lisa Reiner
- Kathi Reinstein-Denning and Robert Denning
- Angela Ren
- Joseph Resnek
- Julie Reusch
- Rina Rhyne
- Krystal Rich
- Katherine Richardson
- Marie Richmond
- KC Riley
- Ramona Rivera-Reno
- Jeffrey Robertson and Deborah Pleasant
- Courtney Robinson
- Diane and Jay Robinson
- Jennifer Robinson
- Roche Molecular Systems
- Salvador Rodriguez
- George Rogan
- Allan and Sandra Ropper
- MaryEllen Rosa
- Ellie Rose
- George Rose
- Ben Rosenbaum and Amanda Berman
- Pamela Rosenstein
- Catherine Ross
- Zorian and Galina Rotenberg
- Ilan and Alyse Roth
- Lynn Roy
- RS11 Foundation
- Ellen Ruby
- Allan Russ
- Alex Ruttenberg
- James Ryan
- Elyse Sakuta
- Salem State University
- Diane Salk
- Stephen Salsbury
- Sue Sanborn
- Beth and Steven Santee
- Janice Santo
- Sherleen Satushek
- Jane Saulsbury
- Bonnie Jean Sbriscia
- Anthony Scalese and Anna Zourabian
- Sharon Schenk
- Kathleen Schiller
- William Schmidt
- Nathan Schmutz
- Jeffrey Scholnick
- Nathaniel Schorr
- Michelle Schwartz
- Chloe Schweinshaut
- Julia Schwerdt
- Suzanne Scott
- Clare Seagraves
- Greg Seff
- Jim Segovia
- Patricia Seidel
- Andrew Seligsohn and Martina Anderson
- Anja Shafer and Jeff Davidson
- Mark Shapiro
- Thomas Shapiro
- David Shaw
- Meredith and David Shipp
- Deepika Shukla
- Patricia Sills
- Beverly Silva
- Caroline and Keith Simon
- Andrea and Anthony Simone
- Robert Sitar
- Dane Skousen
- Sharone Small
- Jacqueline Smallwood
- Kelly Smelser
- Alexandra Smith
- Curtis Smith
- Joanne Smith
- Regina Smith
- Wilson Smith
- Matthew Smithmyer
- Paul So
- John Sommerdyke
- Elizabeth and Edgar Soule
- Sound Community Bank
- Judith Sprague
- James Stark
- Barbara Stechenberg
- Linda Steil
- Jody Steiner
- Kurt Steinkrauss
- Ashley and Ben Stelle
- Maura Stevens
- Zoe Stoesser
- Ann and Thomas Stone
- Joy Stoops
- Seth Stratton
- Joseph Strayhall
- James Sturm
- Caitlin Sullivan
- Carole Sullivan
- Ruth Sullivan
- JoAnna Swani
- Geoffrey Swift
- Susan Swisher and K. Arenberg
- Paul Sybor
- Scott and Pamela Szeliga
- Patrick Tacka
- Lisa Taffe
- Jeff and Nancy Tank
- Gabrielle Taylor
- Karen and Forrest Taylor
- Carmen Tebbe
- The Fallston Group
- Patricia and Richard Thivierge
- Jennifer Thom
- Peter Thomasson
- Donell Thornton
- Margaret Thresher
- Christiane Tibbs
- Tinuiti, Inc.
- Michael Tobin
- William and Mary Toller
- Thomas Toman
- Deborah Topcik
- Heather Topham
- Thomas and Priscilla Toronto
- Eileen Townsend
- Annie Tremper
- Michelle Trotta
- Count Troupe
- Linda Trzybinski
- Laurence and Rise Tucker
- Carol Tye
- David Unell
- UTEC, Inc.
- Debra Vajda
- Christine Valenzuela
- Cheryl Vecchio
- Danielle Veith
- Paul and Jennifer Verbesey
- Vertex Pharmaceuticals
- Victor Greco & Gwen Coyle A-Z Family Foundation at Fidelity Charitable
- Robert Voigt
- Kathleen Voso
- Bryce Walburn
- Michael Walkowski
- Lauren Wallace and Luke Cumminskey
- Leslie Waller
- Nancy Walwick
- Warehouse Bar & Grille
- Julie Warsowe
- Sonya Watkins
- Charles and Louise Weed
- Mark Weibman
- Ali Weiner
- Susan and Jason Weinstock
- Tammy Wenberg
- Jennifer Wenk
- Ginger Wetz
- Jean and Bill Whitney
- Kris Wiley
- Laura Wilhelm
- David and Mary Williams
- Gloria Williams
- Abby Williamson
- Jeannette Wilson
- Karyn Wilson and Miles Byrne
- Ladina Wingfield
- Michael Winter
- Robert Winter and Emily Van Dam
- Kelly Wiseman
- Jeffrey Wolfson
- Susan Woodman
- Work, Inc.
- Benjamin Wozniak
- Louise Yoder
- Peter and Donna Zaksheski
- Nick Zaremba
- Madison Zender
- Karyn Zion
- Mark Znutas
- Jose Zorola
- Altus Dental
- AON Risk Management
- Architectural Resources Cambridge, Inc.
- Jay and Susan Ash
- B Generous
- Jennifer Belli
- Boch Center
- Jesse Boeding
- Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation
- Charlestown Cooperative Nursery
- Dignity Grows Hartford
- Dignity Matters, Inc.
- Ali DiMatteo
- Keith and Bauhinia DiMatteo
- Beth Edwards
- Lili Elkins
- Camareigh Feduke
- Gillette Headquarters
- Gordini USA, Inc.
- Goulston & Storrs
- HarperCollins Publishers
- Zach Hudson
- Aitana Hue
- Colleen Hussey
- Emily Malenfant
- Marine Toys For Tots
- Microsoft
- Mockingbird Baby & Kids
- NIKE, Inc.
- Porticus Foundation
- Kathi Reinstein-Denning and Robert Denning
- Alan and Debora Rottenberg
- Olivia Salvucci
- Scott and Lisa Scharffenberg
- Arielle Schwartz
- John and Jody Shue
- Timberland
- United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley
- Venable, LLP
- Megan Watts
- Work ‘N Gear
Baltimore Capital Funders
- Abell Foundation
- Architectural Resources Cambridge, Inc.
- Henry Baldwin
- Thomas Barry
- Bunting Family Foundation
- Carroll & Charlotte Weinberg Foundation
- CFG Bank
- Constellation Energy
- Cresa
- Clinton and Diana Daly
- Andre Davis
- James DiPaula
- Daniel and Paula Eggers
- Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc.
- Jabber Five Real Estate Group
- Helen Lacy
- Earl and Darielle Linehan
- Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
- Middendorf Foundation
- Mary and James Miller
- Morris and Nancy Offit
- Carolyn and Kevin O’Keefe
- Orokawa Foundation
- Louis and Laura Pakula
- Southway Builders Charitable Trust, Inc.
- Bill Stromberg
- The Richard and Rosalee Davison Charitable Foundation, Inc.
- The Richman Foundation
- Venable, LLP
- Robert L. Wallace
- Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
Roca Impact Institute Clients
- Baltimore, MD, City Police Department
- Baltimore County, MD, Police Department
- Baltimore, MD, Mayor’s Office of Safety and Neighborhood Engagement
- Boston, MA, Police Department
- Chelsea, MA, Police Department
- City of San Francisco, CA, Department of Children Youth and Families/Department of Juvenile Probation
- COMPASS Youth Collaborative
- Connecticut Violence Intervention Program
- Dalio Education
- Everytown for Gun Safety
- Hampden County, MA, Sheriff’s Department
- Inner City Innovators
- Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
- Lynn, MA, Police Department
- Maryland Department of Juvenile Services
- Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
- Middlesex County, MA, Sheriff’s Department
- New York City, NY, Department of Probation
- No More Red Dots
- Northeastern University
- Oakland, CA, Department of Violence Prevention
- Ohio Department of Youth Services
- Peace for DC
- Philadelphia Ceasefire
- Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP)
- Rising Ground
- Washington DC, Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services
- Washington DC, Office of the Attorney General
Thanks to your help, we have the opportunity to study, the opportunity to be someone better, to stay off the streets, off drugs, and look to the future.”
Roca, Inc., Pallin Youth Center, Inc.,
& Roca Baltimore, LLC

*in millions
The selected financial information represents the results of the combining operations of Roca, Inc., Pallin Youth Center, Inc., and Roca Baltimore, LLC.
Pallin Youth Center is an affiliated not-for-profit corporation of Roca, Inc., formed in 1996 as a 501(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code for the sole purpose of holding title to property. Roca Baltimore, LLC is a fully consolidated legal entity that provides the same services in Baltimore as are provided in Massachusetts and Connecticut. Each shares a common Board of Directors with Roca, Inc. Combining statements is required under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
We are grateful for the
support and guidance of the
Roca Boards and Advisors
Thank You