2022 Annual Report

Heal the Trauma

Free the Person

Dear Friends,

No year in recent memory has been easy, but this year has felt harder than most. Even as the pandemic waned, we veered toward war and economic pressure. Meanwhile, a rising tide of gun violence engulfed the lives of more young black and brown people in our nation’s most dispossessed communities.

Most gun violence is predictable. We know the places where most bullets are shot in our cities, and we know who’s doing the shooting. But that doesn’t make stopping it any easier.

In this annual report, we hope to provide a breath of possibility.

At the center of violence live young people who have been failed by the system. They’ve lost trust, so they lash out at offers of help. But we can help them change if we understand the impact that trauma has on their thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Anybody who’s a victim or witness of gun violence has experienced at least one traumatic event. Most of the young people we know have experienced many. They often live with ongoing, complex PTSD. It leaves them in a near-constant state of ‘fight, flight, or freeze,’ so violence leads to more violence.

At Roca, the idea of healing is not lofty or naïve—it is practical. Our Rewire cognitive behavioral theory (CBT) approach offers young people a solid pathway to freedom from trauma’s constraints. Roca’s Impact Institute teaches the same CBT skills to criminal justice partners who want to improve their interactions with young people.

A young person who thinks he has to retaliate can pause and ask himself, is that true? is that thought helpful? instead of simply reacting. And a police officer, triggered by a young person’s behavior, can use CBT to stop and realize that trauma is playing a role in everything they do.

Ours is a democratic approach. In the end it is the young person who makes the almost unimaginable decision to change the course of his life, despite a lifetime of experience telling him he isn’t worth saving. It is the cop who deepens her understanding of the community she serves. It is the probation officer who chooses to see the person behind the paperwork.

This isn’t a fantasy. Each year we rigorously assess our own performance and outcomes, and in 2022 we also worked with two third-party evaluators. Both internal and external data suggest that Roca’s trauma-informed approach to community violence intervention works.

We have to dismantle the structural racism that creates ever-deepening poverty and provokes daily violence on our streets. At the same time, we must respond to the trauma and violence that is occurring right now. So Roca continues to do what we do best: teaching one young person at a time to pause, breathe, and try something different.

To be healed from trauma that has had you locked in its grip for your entire life is to be able to transcend suffering and loss and move forward—possibly by forgiving, most likely never by forgetting—but most importantly by becoming able to choose to be alive and around to see the day through.

In the global and political moment we are in now, freedom feels more vital than ever. I hope you will join me in continuing our work to liberate young people and communities from the racism, trauma, and violence that confines them.

We could not do this work without the generosity and partnership of so many. Thank you for your support and confidence in Roca.



The results are in

Roca Massachusetts young men did not recidivate within three years
Down Arrow
37% lower than comparable young people

66% came to Roca with violent criminal histories but only

13% recidivated for a violent offense

In the first 24 months of enrollment, Roca Baltimore young men were arrested 16% less than comparable Baltimore peers.

After 24 months with Roca:

79% were not arrested

98% were not incarcerated for new charges

Young Men
Served in

  • After 18 months:
    96% made improvements in behavioral health1
  • After 24 months:
    98% had no new incarcerations

Young Mothers
Served in

  • After 18 months 96% made improvements in behavioral health
  • 93% delayed new pregnancies before age 24
  • 93% of children demonstrated on-time development

Baltimore Outcomes

Roca Baltimore:
The First Four Years (2018-2022)

Young Men
Served in Baltimore

While 98% have had a traumatic experience:

  • After 18 months:
    94% made improvements in behavioral health
  • After 24 months:
    79% had no new arrests
    98% had no new incarcerations

Hear from Roca Baltimore’s First Graduates

Who We Serve

We Served the Young Adults and System Partners at the Center of Urban Violence

Young Adults

Ages 16-24

Young Men

  • 95% are black or brown
  • 87% have been arrested
  • 89% are street/gang involved
  • 93% are drug involved
  • 82% have never been employed

Young Mothers

  • 95% are black or brown
  • 87% have been arrested
  • 89% are street/gang involved
  • 93% are drug involved
  • 82% have never been employed

System Partners

Police and


Youth Services

individuals trained in Rewire CBT, including:

Police Officers

Criminal Justice
Staff Members


Our Model

Heal The Trauma, Free The Person:
Our Four-step Approach

  1. Start with the Heart
    Trauma is fear, so we start by providing safety and stability. We find young people at the center of violence and show up at their door—and we keep showing up every day, building strong, trusting relationships through relentless outreach.
  1. Rewire the Brain
    Trauma keeps young people stuck in survival mode, so they keep repeating the same negative behaviors. Roca’s cognitive-behavioral theory (Rewire CBT) skills heal trauma by building new neural pathways. Young people learn to recognize their thoughts and feelings, freeing them to think before they react.
  1. Practice Relentless Patience
    Change takes time, and it doesn’t happen without setbacks. Our decades of data show that real change only begins around 18-24 months into intervention. Relapse is a crucial moment of learning along the way, so we relentlessly support each young person through temporary failures, no matter how many times it takes.
  1. Rewire the System
    Police and other criminal justice professionals on the front lines of urban violence experience trauma too, so we use Rewire CBT and peacemaking circles to help them understand the young people they serve and their own behavior. Meanwhile we persistently engage a vast array of system partners to share critical information, test new strategies, and coordinate case management to improve outcomes for young people and the whole community.

Brain Science

Rewire CBT by Roca:
Think Different, Do Different

Rewire CBT is a non-clinical approach to cognitive behavioral theory (CBT). Participants learn and practice life-saving behavioral skills right in the streets, in some of the most violent and segregated neighborhoods.

The evidence linking trauma and violence is abundant. Rewire CBT breaks down barriers to addressing trauma by helping front-line intervention staff reach people who would otherwise refuse or lack access to clinical therapy.

We all have the capacity to heal from our trauma and change.

We can literally learn to rewire our brains.

Bringing CBT Skills to the Streets

Our Youth Workers give young people the tools to think, feel, and do differently, and free themselves from survival mode living.

Bringing CBT Skills
to the Police and Other Partners

Our Impact Institute gives police officers, criminal justice practitioners, and others on the front lines of violence the tools to approach young people differently.


Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
In Everything We Do


  • Focusing on the highest-risk, unserved young people at the epicenter of violence
  • Providing young people of color with the tools to survive and thrive
  • Increasing behavioral health access in the highest-risk neighborhoods and circumstances
  • Using brain science to help us understand others’ experiences and behaviors
  • Working with a staff that reflects the young people we serve

This Year

  • Significantly increased Board diversity
  • Promoted 30 staff of color
  • Established some of the highest base salaries in the field

Roca Demographic Composition 2022

Roca participants

  • 49% Hispanic/Latino
  • 43% Black or African American
  • 5% White
  • 3% Multi-racial

Roca staff

  • 36% Black or African American
  • 24% Hispanic/Latino
  • 27% White
  • 1% American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • 7% Asian
  • 6% Multi-racial

Roca, Inc.
Board of Directors

  • 47% White
  • 33% Black or African American
  • 13% Hispanic/Latino
  • 7% Asian

Board of Managers
for Roca Baltimore

  • 56% Black or African American
  • 44% White

Roca Impact Institute
Advisory Board

  • 25% Hispanic/Latino
  • 75% Black or African American

System Change

Rewire the System
Providing the Tools for Change

Roca works with dozens of amazing, courageous criminal justice partners who try, under significant constraints, to help young people reduce violence.

By understanding the science of behavior change and brain development, we can begin to have a different kind of conversation with the young people we serve.

2022 Highlights

The Roca Impact Institute

  • Trained over 150 juvenile and young adult justice case managers and their supervisors in Rewire CBT
  • Designed a comprehensive framework for helping an agency scale, implement, and sustain Rewire CBT over time and replicated framework with NYC Probation
  • Launched multi-year initiative to train over 350 staff from the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services in CBT
  • Approved by DOJ and Baltimore Police Department to deliver CBT across the department as part of consent decree in 2023

Roca (Direct Service)

  • Formalized our work with young people behind the walls of correctional institutions by launching state-funded re-entry projects with Suffolk, Essex, Middlesex, and Hampden Counties in Massachusetts
  • Developed a hospital responder program in Western Massachusetts in partnership with Baystate Medical Center
  • Expanded Roca’s after-shooting protocol in Baltimore, which provides a 24-48 hour door knock to each gun violence victim to prevent retaliation and provide resources
  • Brought together key system players in Hartford to prepare to launch an intervention for young mothers in the middle of violence in the city


Thank you to our
Partners and Supporters

2022 Donors

  • City of Baltimore
  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  • Dalio Education
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Gun Violence Prevention
  • Massachusetts Executive Office of Administration and Finance
  • Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, SSYI
  • Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, Emerging Adult Reentry Initiative
  • State of Maryland
  • Abell Foundation
  • BGE
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Brown Capital Management
  • City of Hartford
  • Exelon Corporation
  • Fondation CHANEL
  • Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
  • The Klarman Family Foundation
  • Laura and John Arnold Foundation
  • Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Abuse Services
  • Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance
  • T. Rowe Price Foundation
  • US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs
  • US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Second Chance Act
  • Whiting Turner
  • Alvarium Foundation
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America Charitable Foundation
  • Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
  • Baystate Medical Center
  • Brown Capital Management
  • The Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation
  • The Charles Hayden Foundation
  • Chelsea Public Schools
  • City of Boston
  • City of Cambridge
  • City of Chelsea
  • City of Holyoke
  • City of New York Department of Probation
  • City of Revere
  • City of Salem
  • City of Somerville
  • City of Springfield
  • Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, Inc.
  • Tisbest Philanthropies
  • Fidelity Foundation
  • France-Merrick Foundation
  • Gisela B. Hogan Charitable Foundation
  • Goulston & Storrs
  • Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
  • Hoffberger Family Philanthropies
  • Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation
  • J. C. Kellogg Foundation
  • Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation
  • John Hancock Financial Services
  • Abigail Johnson and Christopher McKnown
  • Liberty Mutual Foundation
  • Earl and Darielle Linehan
  • Daniel and Kerry Lyons
  • Maryland Department of Human Services (SNAP)
  • Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
  • Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance (SNAP)
  • Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Adolescent Sexual Education
  • Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing & Economic Development
  • Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, The Shannon Community Safety Initiative
  • MassMutual Foundation
  • Middendorf Foundation
  • Mary and James Miller
  • Mountain View
  • New Commonwealth Racial Equity and Social Justice Fund
  • NIKE, Inc.
  • Nordblom Family Foundation
  • Orokawa Foundation
  • Porticus Foundation
  • The Richman Foundation
  • Rising Ground
  • Sarah and James Rollins Trusts
  • Stand Together Foundation
  • Stand Together Trust
  • State of Connecticut
  • State Street Foundation
  • The Tow Foundation
  • United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley
  • US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, BCJI
  • US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Improving Reentry for Adults wtih Substance Use Disorders
  • US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Innovations in Reentry
  • US Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Juvenile Justice System Reform Initiative
  • US Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Deliquency Prevention, Comprehensive Anti-Gang Programs for Youth
  • Yawkey Foundation
  • Abine, Inc.
  • Amelia Peabody Foundation
  • The Annie E. Casey Foundation
  • Architectural Resources Cambridge, Inc.
  • Baltimore Homecoming
  • Thomas Barry
  • Baystate Health
  • Beacon Communities, LLC
  • Bennett Family Foundation
  • The Beveridge Family Foundation, Inc.
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation
  • The Boston Foundation
  • Brown Advisory
  • Brown Advisory Charitable Foundation
  • Bushrod H. Campbell and Adah F. Hall Charity Fund
  • Charlesbank Capital Partners
  • Cisco Systems
  • City of Boston Office of Workforce Development, CDBG
  • City of Chicopee
  • City of Everett
  • Clayton Baker Trust
  • Howard Cohen and Myra Musicant
  • Colby-Sawyer College
  • Comcast
  • Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
  • Community Growth Partners
  • Coverys Community Healthcare Foundation
  • Cresa
  • James Davies
  • Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services
  • Lili Elkins and Jeffrey Thompson
  • Frederick C. Lutze and Christian Rausch Family Foundation
  • The Furtherance Fund, Inc.
  • Gawlicki Family Foundation
  • Jeanne and Tom Gildee
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Goodwin Procter
  • Greater Washington Community Foundation — Peace for DC
  • Jeffrey and Nancy Halis
  • Harbor House Collective
  • Highland Partners Charitable Fund
  • Barbara and Amos Hostetter
  • Joanna Jacobson
  • The Janey Fund Charitable Trust
  • Albert and Diane Kaneb
  • Keith Construction, Inc.
  • Christine and William Kendall
  • Lewis Family Foundation
  • Local Initiatives Support Corporation
  • Lookout Foundation
  • M&T Bank
  • Mabel Louise Riley Foundation
  • Hiren Mankodi and Devika Kapoor
  • Maryland Department of Juvenile Services
  • Massachusetts COVID 19 Relief Fund
  • MassMutual
  • Merritt Companies
  • Microsoft
  • The Miriam Fund
  • Maggie Moore and Michael Fleisher
  • New England Revolution Foundation
  • Northeastern University
  • Oechsle Family Foundation, Inc.
  • Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia
  • Susan Okie Bush
  • Edward and Robin Orazem
  • People’s United Community Foundation
  • The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation
  • Pioneer Development
  • PwC Charitable Foundation, Inc.
  • India Riggs
  • RISE Holdings, LLC
  • Rockport Mortgage
  • Safety Insurance Charitable Foundation, Inc.
  • Santander Bank Foundation
  • Sills Family Foundation
  • Stand Together Venture Labs
  • State Street Corporation
  • TD Charitable Foundation
  • TJX Foundation, Inc.
  • Greg Torres and Betsy Pattullo
  • Van Otterloo Family Foundation
  • Venable, LLP
  • Walker & Dunlop
  • Jason Weissmann
  • Winter Lehman Family Foundation
  • Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts
  • Work ‘N Gear
  • AAA Northeast
  • Aetna
  • Michael Ansara and Barbara Arnold
  • AON Risk Management
  • The Architectural Team
  • Jay and Susan Ash
  • Molly Baldwin
  • Samuel and Anne Bartlett
  • Darren Battistoni
  • Paul and Pamela Beach
  • Carson Berglund and Amanda Armstrong
  • Berkshire Partners
  • Ethan Berkwits
  • Bithgroup Technologies, Inc.
  • Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation
  • Boston Red Sox
  • Janet Callahan
  • Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
  • Jamie Caplis
  • Stew and Patricia Chapin
  • Kendrick Chow
  • Peter Christie
  • John Cole
  • CVS
  • Clinton and Diana Daly
  • Kimberly Davies
  • Kim and Judy Davis
  • Andre Davis
  • Demoulas Foundation
  • Neil and Priya Desai
  • Mayur Desai
  • Carla DeSantis
  • The Dinner Group, Inc.
  • Edward Doherty
  • Dianne Doherty
  • Scott and Carolynne Dorsey
  • Michael Dunn
  • Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
  • Roland Eavey and Sheila Desmond
  • Sandra Edwards
  • Michael and Barbara Eisenson
  • Caroline and John Erhard
  • Eversource Electric
  • F.L.Putnam Investment Management Company
  • Leslie Fenn
  • Wayne and Christine Ferrari
  • Joseph Fico
  • Fidelity Investments
  • First Church of Christ – Longmeadow
  • Fitzgerald & Company, Inc.
  • William Fitzgerald
  • John and Tracy Flannery
  • Sarita and Michael Foster
  • William and Helena Foulkes
  • Denise Fowler-Moott
  • Kevin Francfort and Amy Couture
  • David and Tracey Frankel
  • Frederick and Deborah Hatch
  • Emily and Andrew Freedman
  • Sylvain Galineau
  • Gandara Center
  • Anthony Garcia
  • Gardiner Howland Shaw Foundation
  • Ben and Karen Gardner
  • Nancy Gertner and John Reinstein
  • Lauren Gilbert
  • Gillette Headquarters
  • Google
  • Christopher Granese
  • Will and Kim Graylin
  • David and Katherine Greenberg
  • Sarah and Josh Greenhill
  • Fredye and Adam Gross
  • Allen and Jane Grossman
  • GS Gives Annual Fund
  • Hamilton and Sue Hackney
  • Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc.
  • Judy Hartling
  • Fredrick Harvey and Janet Marie Smith
  • Molly Hathaway
  • Sandor Hau and Eleanore Kim
  • David Haupt
  • Jonathan and Noreen Herzog
  • Home City Development
  • Hope and Comfort
  • Thomas and Barbara Israel
  • Jabber Five Real Estate Group
  • Andrew and Cindy Janower
  • Angie Janssen
  • Josh and Marian Johnson
  • Rob Johnson
  • John and Holly Kania
  • Kayem Foods, Inc.
  • Donald and Nancy Kendall
  • Mark Keroack and Ann Errichetti
  • Nigel Kraus
  • Debra Krupp
  • Seth and Cindy Lawry
  • Young Lee and Young Ju Rhee
  • Legendary Legacy
  • Robert and Lesley Leonhardt
  • Matthew Lesniak
  • Leveling the Playing Field
  • Liberty Mutual Insurance
  • Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation, Inc.
  • Lovett-Woodsum Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.
  • lululemon
  • Marine Toys For Tots – Greater Boston
  • Sara Martin
  • Jaime and Geoffrey Mason
  • Massachusetts Enviornmental Police
  • Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
  • Maycomb Capital
  • Shannon McAuliffe
  • Shamus and Claudine McBride
  • Sarah McCrary and Fernando Contreras
  • Sean McDermott
  • DeCourcy McIntosh
  • Cory McLean and Laura Petrillo
  • Stephen Mercier
  • Robb and Sheila Merritt
  • Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
  • MISC Distillery
  • Richard and Mary Murnane
  • The Neighborhood Developers
  • Network For Good
  • New England Patriots Foundation
  • New World Foundation
  • Daniel and Karen Newton
  • Roy Occhiogrosso
  • David Oestreicher
  • Morris and Nancy Offit
  • Carolyn and Kevin O’Keefe
  • Sarah Omer
  • Bob O’Neill
  • Santha Parke and Brooke Schnabel
  • Philadelphia Insurance Companies
  • Phyllis E. and Donald G. Campbell Charitable Foundation
  • Emily and Drew Pluhar
  • PolicyLink
  • Powell Recovery Center
  • Greg Price and M. Barusch
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
  • Virginia and James Purviance
  • Joshua Reed-Diawuoh
  • Dwight Robson and Lena Robinson
  • Gary Ronkin
  • Ropes & Gray, LLP
  • Lynn and John Roy
  • Wade Rubinstein and Jill Block
  • David Safier
  • Kenneth Salinger and Jean Murphy
  • San Francisco Juvenile Probation Department
  • Nancy Savage
  • Anthony Scalese and Anna Zourabian
  • Scott and Lisa Scharffenberg
  • Rachel Schoenfeld and Daniel Hyman
  • Rebecca Searles
  • SEI Investments
  • Jessica and Nik Shah
  • Elisabeth Shue and Davis Guggenheim
  • John and Jody Shue
  • Megan Smith
  • Southway Builders Charitable Trust, Inc.
  • Spencer Foundation
  • Judith Sprague
  • St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
  • TalentBurst
  • Brad Talwar
  • Leann Taylor
  • Michael Thonis
  • Timberland
  • Town Fair Tire Foundation, Inc.
  • UnitedHealthGroup
  • USI Insurance Services, LLC
  • Verizon
  • Richard Walsh
  • Alison Weiner
  • Andrew Wetzel
  • Sheila Willard
  • William and Mildred Kaplan Foundation
  • Women’s Benevolent Society of the First Church of Christ, UCC
  • Leerang Yang
  • Sophia Young
  • Mark Znutas
  • Norman Abbott
  • Joshua Abrams
  • Jan Aceti
  • Victor Agran
  • Michael Albano and Eden Edwards
  • Geraldine Alias
  • Andrea and Mark Allen
  • Christopher Alvanos
  • Christine Antonellis
  • Patricia and Frank Anzalotti
  • Jenny Armini
  • Elaine Arndt
  • Sarah Aspinwall and Paul Swartz
  • Shawn Aylward
  • B Generous
  • Michael and Sally Bailin
  • Jessica Baker
  • Sallie Baldwin
  • Vinny Barletta
  • Dana Barlow
  • Alison Baron
  • William and Lisa Barrette
  • Daniel Batista
  • Michael Beecher
  • Nicole Begnal
  • Nancy Benchoff
  • Joseph and Cailleen Bernardi
  • Sunindiya Bhalla
  • Biohabitats, Inc.
  • Teresa Birge
  • Phyllis Birnbaum
  • Ingvild Bjornvold
  • Anna Blendermann
  • Stefania Bogoeva
  • Dave and Cassie Bordeau
  • Boston University
  • Tony Bowen and Mike Kohn
  • Karen Bradbury
  • Kaitlin Brennan
  • Marjorie Bride and Terry McEnany
  • Michael Brown
  • Elizabeth Brown
  • Cheryl Brugliera
  • Jennifer Buck
  • Jessica Caamano
  • Daniel Cadet
  • Bridget Callahan
  • Steven Canter
  • Capital Group
  • Caras & Shulman, PC
  • Beth Cardillo
  • Eric and Coleen Carlson
  • Carr Enterprises
  • Catalano Architects & Catalano Design
  • Anisha Chablani and William Medley
  • Charles and Lael Chester
  • Austin Chia
  • Julianna Chitwood
  • Jennifer Clammer
  • Virginia Clammer
  • Clark Construction
  • Richard Cole
  • Deidre Collins
  • Thomas and Nancy Collopy
  • Combined Jewish Philanthropies
  • Community Growth Partners
  • Anne Connolly
  • Lisette Cooper
  • Mamadou Coulibaly
  • Coverys
  • Alexander Crothers
  • Catherine Cummings
  • James and Kathleen Curley
  • Kathleen and Tom Curran
  • Kieran Cusack
  • Alice Daly
  • Nina Davidson
  • Susan Day
  • Virginia deBuys
  • Jonathan Delman
  • Alice Dembner
  • Sandrine Demers
  • DiDomenico Foundation, Inc.
  • John Dierkes
  • William Dilllon
  • Robert Dolan
  • Maureen Dowd
  • John Dumey
  • Daniel Dylewsky
  • Elizabeth Eastwood
  • Danielle Eckrich
  • Rachel Edwards
  • Sandra Eltringham
  • Brandon Etheridge
  • Gillian Farquhar
  • Matthew Feinberg
  • Jeff and Loren Feingold
  • Patricia Filippone
  • Steven Fincke
  • Lewis Finfer
  • Alex Fisher
  • Alice Fisher
  • Barbara and Joel Fishman
  • Fitzgerald Law, PC
  • Kristen Fletcher
  • Janet Fogel
  • Brian Foley
  • Peter and Kathleen Forbes
  • Marisa Frank
  • Rachel Freed
  • Francis Gallagher
  • Jennifer Garcia
  • Tiffany Garner
  • Gartner, Inc.
  • Caroline Gaudet
  • Stephen and Barbara Gelling
  • Lori Gerstley
  • John and Jane Gettler
  • Sheila Giglio
  • Vance Gilbert
  • Myron Gildesgame
  • Ryan Gillette
  • Lenore Glaser
  • Jeff Glass
  • Linda and John Glenn
  • Janet Gochenour
  • Dani Goldman
  • Vaishali Goyal
  • Michelle Graham
  • Paul and Barbara Gray
  • John Gray
  • Ann Green
  • Atilla Habip
  • Mary and H. Hamilton Hackney
  • Catherine Harris
  • Diane Harris
  • David Hart
  • Patrick Hart
  • Matthew Hartman
  • Noelle and Adam Hartshorn
  • Nancy and Paul Haugsjaa
  • Anne Healy
  • Marie and John Hennessy
  • Jennifer Herold
  • John Herron
  • George and Betsy Hess
  • Nik Hessberger
  • LaShunda Hill
  • Leslie Hinson
  • Carla Hinson
  • Priscilla Hoblitzell
  • Peter and Lisa Hoffberger
  • Wend Hollis
  • Elizabeth Hovey
  • Mary and Ed Hudson
  • Eileen Hurley
  • Colleen Hussey
  • Diana Hutchinson
  • Rita Ingersoll
  • Elizabeth and William Innocent
  • Trish Irving
  • Jake and Beth Jacobs
  • Edward Johnson
  • Helen Johnson
  • Audrey Jones
  • Rachel Jones
  • Katherine Kaplan
  • Mary Kate and Richard Bluestein
  • William, Judith and Eva Kates
  • Jessica Katz
  • Brian Kean
  • Kennedy Kearney-Fischer
  • Ryan and Alyssa Keefe
  • Kelly Kendall
  • C Bayard Klimasmith
  • Peter Kochansky
  • Ellen Kossek
  • Jordan and Jean Krasnow
  • Alison Kronstadt
  • Sotun Krouch
  • Brian Kyes
  • Lisa and Matt Lamstein
  • James Latimer
  • Juan Latorre
  • Peter Lawson-Johnston
  • Ronnie Leavitt
  • Edward and Elizabeth LeClair
  • Debbie Lewis
  • Sarah and Donald Libbey
  • Margaret Lindenburg
  • David Linhart
  • Listening With Love
  • Cynthia Livingston
  • Christopher and Heidi Logan
  • Monica Luke
  • Pamela and Patrick Lynam
  • Lane and Wendy MacDonald
  • Barbara Mackey
  • Doris and Eric Madsen
  • Evelyn Manning
  • Andrew Martel
  • David Martel
  • Martha Martin and Stephen Foell
  • Rebecca Martin
  • Ruth Mattson
  • Charlo Maurer
  • Sylvia Maxfield
  • Julio Mazul
  • Carole and Gary Mazzarino
  • Lev McClain
  • Margaret McConnell
  • Ruth McDermott
  • Merry McDonald
  • Elise McDonald
  • Ashley McGowan
  • Dennis McGurk
  • James and Kathy McHugh
  • Ann McKeown
  • Melissa McLaughlin
  • Wendy McNeil
  • Theresa McNulty and James Goltz
  • Mehta Family Charitable Fund
  • Anthony Mell
  • Patricia Merlos
  • Microsoft Alumni Community Network
  • Allison Taff Migel
  • Mike’s Fitness JP
  • David Mindlin
  • Jennifer Mirken
  • Katie Mitchell
  • Bongani Mngomezulu
  • William and Janet Monagle
  • Elizabeth De Montigny
  • Valerie Moore
  • Meghan Moran
  • Francis Morris and Ellen Howard
  • Kristen Mosbaek
  • Carolyn Moss and Daniel Hawkins
  • Terrence and Nicole Murray
  • Emily Naden
  • Robert Najjar
  • Tina Nappi
  • Bernadette Nash
  • Caleb Neelon
  • Louise Neidle
  • Eileen Ng
  • Max Nibert
  • Thomas and Nikkel
  • Tara Noone
  • David O’Callaghan
  • Karen O’Malley
  • One Bead
  • Rhiannon Pabich
  • George Packard and Lavinia Lemon
  • Louis and Laura Pakula
  • Therese and Gerard Parr
  • David Patton and Elizabeth Kassab
  • PayPal Giving Fund
  • Elizabeth Peabody
  • Annie Peirce
  • Stephen Penick
  • Anne Perkins
  • Richard Persche
  • Katelyn Peters
  • Eric Phelps
  • Ann Philbin
  • Fedora Pierre
  • Carmen Pineda
  • Wally and Mary-Ann Pinkard
  • Ellen Plapinger
  • Mark Pohlman
  • James and Katherine Polga
  • Jose Portillo-Lopez
  • D.F. Pray
  • Gordon Pulsifer
  • Deborah Queiros
  • Amit Rao
  • Jessica Ratner
  • Kat Ravish and Emma Simon
  • Amy Ravish
  • Kathi Reinstein and Robert Denning
  • Rina Rhyne
  • Katherine Richardson
  • Susannah and William Rienhoff
  • Erin Riley
  • Kristopher Ring
  • Rochelle Robbins
  • Andrea Robichaud
  • Diane and Jay Robinson
  • Root Cause Institute, Inc.
  • Sara Roper
  • Allan and Sandra Ropper
  • T.J. Rose
  • Charlie Rose
  • Benjamin Rosenbaum
  • Lindsay Rosenman
  • Ilan and Alyse Roth
  • Alan and Debora Rottenberg
  • Richard Rowland
  • Eleanor Roy
  • Mary Roznowski
  • Olivia Russell
  • Stephen Salsbury
  • Janice Santo
  • Albert Santoro
  • Amanda and Brett Scharr
  • Adele Schlotzhauer
  • Jeffrey Scholnick
  • Nathaniel Schorr
  • Kathleen Schultz
  • Julie Schwager
  • Michelle Schwartz
  • Kate Searle
  • Taylor Seidel
  • Andrew Seligsohn and Martina Anderson
  • Anja Shafer and Jeff Davidson
  • Mark Shapiro
  • David Sharken
  • Bob Shatten
  • Anthony Shaw
  • Meghan and Daniel Sherwood
  • Monica Sidor
  • Jane Silfen and Cindy Mason
  • Lawrence Silfen
  • Norma Silfen
  • Caroline and Keith Simon
  • Paul Simon
  • Ellen Simons
  • Robert Sitar
  • Sharone Small
  • Allyn Smith
  • Chip Smith
  • Tim Smith
  • Alexandra Smith
  • Janice and Bob Sniffen
  • Diane Souza
  • David Stafford
  • Steer Partners, LLC
  • Jody Steiner
  • Sandra Steiner
  • Kurt Steinkrauss
  • Kent and Janet Stevens
  • Maura Stevens
  • Ann and Thomas Stone
  • Michael Sugrue
  • Jeff Sullivan
  • Susan Swisher
  • Scott Taberner
  • Kathleen Tayne
  • Porter Terry
  • Ginelle Testa
  • Lynn Thomas
  • Lisa Thompas
  • Cierra Thompson
  • William and Mary Toller
  • Thomas Toman
  • Annie Tremper
  • Steve and Donna Tritman
  • Todd and Jill Tsakiris
  • Danielle Veith
  • Paul and Jennifer Verbesey
  • Vertex Pharmaceuticals
  • Bryce Walburn
  • Warehouse Bar & Grille
  • Julie Warsowe
  • Mary Watkin
  • Ann Watkin Statham
  • Megan Watts
  • Caroline Weeks
  • Susan and Jason Weinstock
  • Weiss Consulting
  • Susan West
  • Westfield Housing Authority
  • Elizabeth Wheat
  • Eve Wider
  • Lawson Wijesooriya
  • Thomas Wilkinson
  • William James College
  • Jill Williams
  • Meghan Wilmot
  • James Wolf
  • Irene Wong
  • Brian Wood
  • Susan Woodman
  • David Woods
  • J. Melvin Woody
  • Denise Wright
  • Wynn Resorts Limited Employee Foundation
  • Meghan Wynne
  • Peter and Donna Zaksheski
  • Nick Zaremba
  • Darcy Ziegler
  • Joe Zorola

Capital Funders Boston

  • Architectural Resources Cambridge, Inc.
  • Albert and Diane Kaneb
  • Yawkey Foundation

Capital Funders Baltimore

  • Abell Foundation
  • Architectural Resources Cambridge, Inc.
  • Thomas Barry
  • Cresa
  • Clinton and Diana Daly
  • James Davies
  • Hoffberger Foundation
  • Jabber Five Real Estate Group
  • Earl and Darielle Linehan
  • Middendorf Foundation
  • Mary and James Miller
  • Orokawa Foundation
  • Richman Foundation
  • Southway Builders Charitable Trust, Inc.
  • Venable, LLP
  • Whiting Turner


Roca, Inc., Pallin Youth Center, Inc.,
& Roca Baltimore, LLC

 *in millions
**Investment returns for Roca’s endowment were negative due to market conditions and did not directly affect program operations.

We are grateful for the
support and guidance of the
Roca Boards and Advisors

Thank You