
Roca’s powerful outcomes are made up of young people’s small victories: one more gun dropped, one more day sober, one more trip to work on time and back home safe. Watch the transformation below.

Watch Mike's Story

The only thing to do in the streets is rob. You always gotta carry a gun and it’s either jail or death, there’s no other way around it.”

— Mike

Watch Relentlessness in ACtion

Our work is out there on the streets. We meet the young person where they’re at.”

— Tha Thai, Assistant Director of Roca Boston

Watch Police Reform at Work

99% of people become police because they want to help people. Sadly, because of all the negativity and trauma, they may lose that. But we can reset them and get them back to thinking about their purpose.”

— Dave Batchelor, Co-Director of Rewire4 by Roca

People see more in me than I see in myself.

— Justin

My life before Roca was a mess. … I can say I’m stable now.”

— Jalexis

When I go outside it’s going to be to go to work … instead of doing the illegal things.”

— Sheldon


Finally, an organization that’s out there on the streets doing what they say they’re doing.”

— Chief Rupert Daniels, Springfield Police Department

It’s like a judgment-free zone here at Roca.”

— Sandra

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Fear [that’s] on all the time is trauma. Lucky for us, Roca gets that.”

— Dr. Alisha Moreland-Capuia, Community Psychiatrist

If it wasn’t for Roca, I don’t know what I would have done.”

— Briana

From the first day … Roca was pretty annoying!”

— Deandre

So many of [our young people] believe that shooting is a way of life, that guns are normal, and that dying young is just what happens.”

— Molly Baldwin, Roca CEO

Working in the streets for three decades, Roca has helped thousands of young men change their lives. Here’s how.

Roca finds the young women who are too angry, scared, and isolated to seek support, and helps them lift themselves out of violence and poverty.

If something happens in the City, we’ll pick up the phone and call Roca.”

— Capt. Dave Batchelor, Chelsea Police Department

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$250 Funds a full day of relentless outreach and intensive relationship building.

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