Style Guide
Logo Image Files

Digital Publishing:
RGB process
RGB process
sample file with .PNG files embedded
sample file with .PNG files embedded
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
RGB process
RGB process
sample file with .PNG files embedded
sample file with .PNG files embedded
Print Publishing:
Roca With Tagline

Digital Publishing:
RGB process
RGB process
sample file with .PNG files embedded
sample file with .PNG files embedded
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
RGB process
RGB process
sample file with .PNG files embedded
sample file with .PNG files embedded
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:
Young Women

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:
The Roca Impact Institute

Digital Publishing:
RGB process
RGB process
sample file with .PNG files embedded
sample file with .PNG files embedded
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
RGB process
RGB process
sample file with .PNG files embedded
sample file with .PNG files embedded
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:
Rewire CBT

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:
Rewire 4

Digital Publishing:
RGB process
RGB process
sample file with .PNG files embedded
sample file with .PNG files embedded
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
RGB process
RGB process
sample file with .PNG files embedded
sample file with .PNG files embedded
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:
Mission Statement

Digital Publishing:
RGB process
RGB process
sample file with .PNG files embedded
sample file with .PNG files embedded
Print Publishing:

Digital Publishing:
Print Publishing:
1-color for black and white printing

Digital Publishing:
RGB process
RGB process
sample file with .PNG files embedded
sample file with .PNG files embedded